P.R.V. - A.C.V. Railbuses

Further details by Basil Hancock 

Details of the eleven ACV cars, which were four-wheelers built in 1952 (three), 1955 (five), & 1957 (three). Whilst not known as PRV Railbuses these were bodied by PRV and are pictured here.


Three-car ACV Demonstration Set - into service 1952.
Order placed around the middle of June 1950. Recorded as finished in November & December 1951. Delivered by the end of April 1952.
Livery: Two-tone grey & red. Car numbers carried in small letters on the ends below the centre window. Full depth skirts. Half-drop windows.

Owned by ACV and used as demonstrators on British Railways. Sold to British Railways in 1955, painted green and given BR numbers.

No.1 Motor Brake Second 32 seats BR Diagram 500 BR Lot No. 30128 Later became M79742M
No.2 Motor Second 45 seats BR Diagram 500 BR Lot No. 30128 Later became M79740M
No.3  Trailer Second 52 seats BR Diagram 500 BR Lot No. 30128 Later became M79741M
The PRV Body Numbers were B34485, B34486 and B34487, though the sequence is uncertain.

Reviewing some of the photos of the prototype set (see here) clearly shows the numbers below the end windows. The first (colour)  & fifth photos of the two sets crossing, shows that the prototype cars even retained their original front numbers in BR days.


Five Cars built for British Railways 1955.
Order placed 15 March 1954. Delivered by July 1955.

Livery: Lined Green. No skirts. Sliding windows.

Sold to British Railways in 1955, painted green and given BR numbers.
M79743 & M79744 Motor Brake Second 28 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30174 PRV Body Nos. B37267/8
M79745  Motor Second 34 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30175 PRV Body No. B37269
M79746 & M79747  Trailer Second 48 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30176 PRV Body Nos. B37270/1


Three Cars built for British Railways 1957.
Order placed 18 April 1955. Delivered by August 1957.

Livery: Lined Green. No skirts. Sliding windows.

Sold to British Railways in 1955, painted green and given BR numbers.
M79748 Motor Second 34 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30214 PRV Body No. B38785 Chassis No. 8032 011
M79749  Trailer Second 48 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30215 PRV Body No. B38784 Chassis No. 8032 010
M79750 Motor Brake Second 28 seats BR Diagram 506 BR Lot No. 30216 PRV Body No. B38786 Chassis No. 8032 009