This is the famous Park Royal thingamajig. Pictured here at Park Royal during WW2, this specially designed huge construction, mounted on rollers, was used for the movement of some very large things from one place to another. The very large things mounted on this very large thingamajig might have been been very, very large indeed; they might have extended a very long way beyond each end of the thingamajig. But your guess is as good as mine. And my guess is Halifax bomber wings; maybe!
This is an experimental plastic seat. It found little favour with anyone at Park Royal and I am uncertain if it ever ruined an otherwise perfectly good bus.
In the tool room at Park Royal was this set of pillar drills that were mounted on a specially designed jig that allowed the drills to slide left or right along the structure. The drills could be used by several operators simultaneously and was mainly used for mouldings.
Advert (created by Benders Studio Ltd 350 Walworth Road London) for the Bell Punch 'Solomatic' ticket issuing device .
The Uxbridge based Bell Punch Co. Ltd. made both the 'Ultimate' and 'Solomatic' ticket issuing devices. The Ultimate used rolls of tickets issuing them on the same side as the operating keys, whilst the Solomatic used concertina packs of tickets cutting and issuing them on the opposite side so as the passenger could take them directly.
Information above kindly supplied by John Kaye.
The following are photographic advertisements of Italian vehicle designs of 1952.
Bill Munro has kindly advises me that, through one of his MG contacts (Mike Dalby), the Bertone MG's are 1952 TD's.
The M.G. Car Club hosts a page on the Arnolt M.G. that explains the MG side of the story as to why these cars appear on these advertisements and also gives clues as to why the three charts were produced. Also Christopher Cooper's website, devoted to the M.G. TD, also explains the origins of the Arnolt M.G. and shows some of the survivors of the original Arnolt cars.
Can you shed more light on these curious advertisements? Please click on them for a larger image. Or alternatively, should you wish to study them in detail, 300k byte downloadable images are available at the downloads page.
In 1949, the Park Royal Vehicles Sports and Social Club evidently ran a diving or swimming "Invitation Gala". This large vintage shield (3/4'' by 3'') was discovered in Yorkshire and recently (November '06) auctioned on Ebay. Do you know anything about the Gala or anything more about the Sports and Social Club? Why might the shield have been found in Yorkshire? Maybe it was won by someone from Charles H Roe, PRV's subsidiary in Leeds! (Image by kind permission of lizandarcy.)
Here is a copy of a PRV vehicle Inspection Card that serves to demonstrate PRV's keenness on quality control (kindly supplied by Nick Challacombe).